- Dirección
- Teléfono
- Ofice pone: +36-1-412 1998
- [email protected]
Endo Plus Service Kft. has been established in 2003 by two owners specialized on flexible endoscopy.
In the beginning the main activity of the company was the repair, refurbishment of flexible and surgical endoscopes and the distribution of endoscopy disposables and accessories. As the company grew, more and more divisions were opened, i.e. urology, gynaecology, rigid endoscopy.
Endo Plus Service has started to deal with „physiotherapy” and devices in „sports medicine” when we received the distributorship of Storz Medical extracorporeal shock wave devices in Hungary. This was a real „turning point” in the everyday life of the company.
Understandably, we had to build up a complete product portfolio in rehabilitation, sports medicine and physical therapy.
Now, we are the exclusive distributors of internationally well-known companies, p.ex..
- Storz Medical – shock wave
- Eltech K-Laser (Italy) – laser therapy
- ITO Co. Ltd. (Japan) – physiotherapy
- IACER (Italy) – home therapy
- Coolsystems (US) – Game Ready
- Chattanooga (US) - physiotherapy
- Lojer Oy (Finland) – treatment, massage and examination tables
We offer complete solutions for our customers with full service background. We have 9 well trained and skilled service technicians for after sales services in warranty and after warranty time.